The Christmas season is a time for family, friends, and loved ones to come together and celebrate. But in our increasingly digital world, it can be difficult to find ways to connect with each other that don’t involve screens. Here are five screen-free activities that you can do with your family and friends this Christmas season to help create a closer and more meaningful holiday experience.

1. Circle Stories
Gather your family and friends around a fire or in a cozy living room and take turns telling stories. This is a great way to share memories, bond with each other, and learn more about each other’s lives.
- Use story coins to prompt storytelling. Each person can choose a coin and tell a story related to the image on the coin.

2. Creative Construction
Build something together, such as a gingerbread house, a Lego castle, or a fort out of blankets and pillows. This is a fun and collaborative activity that will help you to work together and create something special.
- Use story coins as inspiration for building projects. For example, children can build a fort or a gingerbread house based on the scene depicted on a coin.
3. Doodle Days
Grab an old calendar and set aside time each day to doodle together. Use each day’s square as your drawing space each day. Draw a picture of something exciting from the day or a special memory. This is a great way to express yourself creatively and have some fun.
- Use story coins as drawing prompts. Children can draw a picture of the scene on the coin or use it as inspiration for their own creative drawings.
4. Silly Charades
Play a game of charades, but with a twist. Instead of acting out words or phrases, act out scenes from your favorite Christmas movies or TV shows. This is a surefire way to get everyone laughing and having a good time.
- Use story coins to act out scenes from Christmas movies or TV shows. Each person can choose a coin and act out the scene depicted on the coin.

5. Island Adventure
Pretend that you’re all stranded on a desert island. What would you do to survive? This is a great way to use your imagination and come up with creative solutions to problems.
- Use story coins to create a desert island scenario. Each person can choose a coin and describe what they would do to survive on the island based on the image on the coin.
Story Coins and Screen-Free Activities
Story Coins are a great way for parents to fulfill each of these screen-free activities with their children. They are a versatile tool that can be used to add fun and creativity to any screen-free activity. By using Story Coins, parents can help their children to develop their imaginations, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
Learn more about going screen-free:
Week long challenge in May:
These are just a few ideas for screen-free activities that you can do with your family and friends this Christmas season. By spending time together without screens, you can create a closer and more meaningful holiday experience.