6 Exciting Summer Activity Kits for Your Curious Kid

This post includes links featuring summer activity kits from Amazon. They are not affiliate links.

Oh, summer! The time for running through sprinklers, sleeping late, and driving your parents crazy saying “I’m bored” by 10 am.

no… was that just me as a kid!?

My mom wised up to my summertime annoyances and started finding activity books or activity kits to keep us both sane during summer break. Eventually, I learned how to curb my own boredom with games I made up, books I would write, and crafts I would create. But, all my creative inspiration started with those fun summer activity kits.

In the spirit of younger me (and all the parents begging for help this summer), I’ve rounded up 6 of my favorite summer activity kits inspired by the curious nature of gifted kiddos. Each activity has an educational element and a few include books to stop the dreaded summer slide. In addition, each kit has a DIY option. If you have an idea to add to this list, please share it in the comments or over on Instagram at @inspired.to.enrich.

Story Coins Game Kit

Telling stories is the oldest human art form. From cave drawings to oral histories, storytelling is how we share our ideas, imaginations and creativity with the world. With literacy at the core of storytelling, one fantastic summer activity kit is a Story Coins Game set.

I created the first story coin back in 2017 as a craft activity for kids I was teaching in summer camp. However, the original idea (for my version, at least) came from my grandmother. I would spend summers at her house and, without TV or internet, we would spend time making up stories.

My Story Coins Game is based in my instructional philosophy and literacy background. I believe students should enjoy the writing process. They should have the option to use a tangible resource to spark creativity and encourage collaboration. Most importantly, creating stories should be fun… which is why I created them as a game.

DIY Literacy Game

What makes a literacy game successful is the combination of reading/writing elements and fun. Remember literacy is not just reading books and writing paragraphs, though. Literacy also encompasses drawing, speaking and listening skills.

One fun idea is a popcorn writing challenge. On slips of white paper, write various nouns, verbs and adjectives. Then, on slips of yellow paper, write conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions. Toss all the slips into a bowl. Then, have your child pull out a few slips at a time and use the words they pull to create a sentence or story.

Popsicle Making Kit

What is more summery than a frosty popsicle on a scorching day? As a kid, my favorite popsicles were orange or strawberry flavored. This summer, encourage your creative chef to make their own popsicles with a popsicle making kit.

My favorite part about the kit linked below is the number of popsicle slots and that it comes with a small recipe book. But, you can easily put together your own popsicle-themed summer activity kit with dollar store items and a Google search. Include an education element through practicing measurement, temperature and volume skills.

Popsicles making kits are a refreshing idea for summer.

In addition to the popsicle kit, you can amp up literacy with the book The Kid Who Invented Popsicles and Other Surprising Inventions. Explore why and how the popsicle came to be, along with facts about ice cream sundaes, motorcycles, and more.

DIY Soda-sicle

One of my favorite treats during the summer is a coke popsicle. While not a “fancy” as a fruit mashup, they taste just as a delicious. Popsicle molds can be found at places like the grocery store or dollar store. Simply pour in your soda of choice and freeze. BUT, remember to leave room for expansion! (pro tip).

Gardening Kit

If your curious kid loves to care for plants and spend time outdoors, than a great summer activity kit idea is a gardening kit. Not only does gardening teach important life science skills, but also provides a way for kids to relax and reflect.

A small garden is a fun summer activity kit idea.

If your kiddo is more like me (not great with plants), then a terrarium is a perfect alternative. Terrariums don’t require a lot of attention but look just as beautiful as a small garden. Plus, the one below has an optional light perfect for a soothing nighttime effect. For me, this terrarium will be a cool addition to my classroom in the fall.

DIY Terrarium

Terrariums are simple to create and can be made with materials found around your home. You will need a large jar or glass container, sterile potting soil, moss and the type of grass or succulent you want to grow. You can also create themes in your terrarium like a fairyland or space theme. For a full rundown on putting together your terrarium, check out the article “How to Make a Basic Terrarium” from the Spruce.


Tinkers, inventors, and out-of-the-box thinkers wanted! STEM activities are the perfect way to engage curious minds. STEM encompasses skills from science, technology, engineering, and math to create something new. The summer activity kits below are pre-designed with directions and specific pieces so kids can create moveable items with ease.

One way to increase student learning is with a STEM journal. Have your child choose a notebook to designate as their “STEM Journal”. Inside the notebook, kids can write about which activity they enjoyed most, the steps that were required, how they would have changed the activity, and more. This is also a great place to encourage drawing and brainstorming of their unique ideas.


I think STEM kits are the easiest ones to pull together from things around your home. You can use any cardboard box, tape, cloth, plastic, or other recyclable materials to create something fun. In addition, you can use a picture book to inspire the STEM design based on the theme or topic of the book.

Fossil Dig Kit

Can your kiddo name every dinosaur or tell you how paleontologists uncover fragile bones? A fossil dig kit is the perfect summer activity for the Dino curious kid. Plus, with all the scientific academic vocabulary, you can word together to uncover new meanings for words and ways to use them in everyday language. The best part of this kit is the various types of fossils and the reference book included.

To accompany the kit is the book Dinosaur Lady, about the first female paleontologist Mary Anning. The inspiring story follows Mary from her childhood love of looking for shells at the beach to her incredible discovery that spark a new field of study. With beautiful illustrations, this will be a well loved book in your library.

DIY Dino Dig Kit

If a prepackaged digging kit isn’t your speed, easily create a dinosaur theme summer activity kit with toy dinosaurs from the dollar store, plastic containers, and dirt from the backyard. Fill your container with dirt, then bury the dinos. Using a small shovel or spoon and a paintbrush, kids can uncover all the dinosaurs and make notes on what types they find.

Explorer Kit

Nature walks are a great way to explore the world around us. For kids, exploring nature not only teaches them new concepts, but also gets them outside. In the explorers kit, kids can use tools like binoculars, compass, magnifying glass, and an explorers journal. In addition, kids can use the activity book and reference book to discover “new” species in their own backyard.

Nature walks are a perfect way to explore the world around you.

DIY Explorer Kit

All you really need to be an explorer is a notebook, place to explore, and love of discovering something new. Turn your explorer kit into a scavenger hunt with a list of items to find like: something brown, something that grows, three different types of dirt, or something that flies.

summer activity kits for kids
Pinterest 6 activity kits for solving summer boredom

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