Category: Gifted Learners

5 Ideas for Reading Journals for Easy and Fun Writing

Gifted learners, especially those gifted in reading and language arts, often need more engaging and challenge assignments to prevent boredom and complacency. These five read journals for gifted students can help you challenge your strong readers.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Anchor Charts

I conducted a poll on Instagram to gain a little insight into how other teachers are creating and using anchor charts in their classrooms. Creating anchor charts gave me anxiety for the longest time! I knew they were important, I just couldn’t figure out a way to keep them useful for students, easy for me to create and, well, cute. This is how I solved the anchor chart problem!

The 18 Skills Writers Need to Be Successful

Writing is a process that requires more than just putting letters on a page. In fact, effective writing requires writers to understand and use multiple skills at once. I’ve listed out 18 skills writers need to learn and practice and, spoiler alert, they’re all 21st Century writing skills!

woman in white long sleeved shirt holding a pen writing on a paper

A Memorable Writing Method that Gives Results Not Overwhelm

We talk about why students need to know specific standards and how learning these skills and topics will help them in the future. And I”m here for it… I agree that our students need real world applications for the skills and concepts they are learning. Today’s big question….

If our goal is to prepare students for the real world, why are we teaching writing the same way it was taught 30 years ago?


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