4 Weekly Ideas to Easily Enrich Creativity & Curiosity in May

May grows weekly ideas for easy enrichment & self-guided learning!

Providing your students or kids with self-guided learning opportunities shouldn’t be difficult! Below are four weekly ideas to easily enrich creativity and curiosity with your kids this month.
1- Tourism
2- Reading
3- Business
4- Games

BONUS: scroll to the bottom to purchase the May Flowers Choice Board or Calendar for even more creativity ideas through choice board activities!

4 Weekly Ideas for Enrichment

Week 1: National Tourism Week

When I worked in public relations (my career before my teaching career), I loved any opportunity that allowed me to represent places and business in the tourism industry. If you were to represent a place and convince people to visit, what location would you choose?

This week, present you’re a public relations manager for a place (city or town) or a business (museum, attraction, historical location). Create marketing pitch persuading people to visit the place or business.

Sales Pitch- information given to a group of people persuading them to buy something

Here are some things you could include in your pitch:

  • Persuasive press release: write a 3 to 4 paragraph informational essay that includes reasons why your location or business is great and why people should visit.
  • Pictures
  • Reviews of the place or business
  • List of all the fun things to do and see, best restaurants, or places only the locals know about
Week 2: Reading is Fun Week

Confession– I’m a reading teacher but I don’t always enjoy reading. eek. However, when I find a book I’m really into, I can sit and read for hours!

This week, find what makes reading fun for you. You could…

  1. create your own reading cave or fort somewhere in your home
  2. try a new genre
  3. read a book recommended by a friend
  4. find a book with a main character like you
  5. make reading a game by setting a timer or a page goal. If you make it, give yourself points!
  6. read with a flashlight

What easy enrichment ideas do you have? Share what you want to see in the comments below!

Week 3: Small Business

When I was a kid, I had a traveling hair styling company called KK’s Cuts! I kept a blowdryer, brush, curling iron and hair pins in a small plastic red box and would beg my friends to let me wash and style their hair. I never made any money (I’m not even sure I asked for any), but I did learn a lot about organization, planning and creativity through my “business”.

Use the questions below to guide your creativity with this weekly idea!

Have you ever thought of starting a business? Answer the questions below then brainstorm what your business name and logo would be.

  • What product would you sell or what service would you provide?
  • Who is your ideal customer? Give them a name and age.
  • What does your customer like? Imagine their favorite color, food, music, vacation spot, or any other detail that would help you understand them better.
  • How much money would it cost to make your product or how much time would it cost to provide your service?
  • How would people know about your product or service? Would you create fliers, social media posts, advertisements, etc.?
New Instagram profile picture! Even in my very small business, I’m still figuring out the answers to some of these questions! Brainstorming how to grow a small business can be another fun weekly idea!
Week 4: National Backyard Games Week

I don’t know about where you live, but in Georgia, May is the perfect month for being outside. The chill and usual bad storms from spring are gone and the paralyzing heat of summer hasn’t quite hit yet.

My love for JT started in middle school… and is still holding strong!

This week, invent a new backyard game to play with your family. Based on a list of 15 best outdoor games from New York Magazine, here is a list of the top 5 games on Amazon.com:

  1. Spikeball
  2. Flickin’ Chicken
  3. Cornhole
  4. Molkky
  5. Horseshoes

I wasn’t surprised cornhole made the top 5- it’s one of my favorites to play, too! What type of game are you going to invent? I’m thinking a cornhole-meets-golf game could be fun.
Basic rules: You have to chip your bouncy ball into the cornholes located in various places around the yard. You earn 1 point for each hole and the first person to 10 points wins.

Visit Teachers Pay Teachers to purchase the May Flower Choice Board for $2. Includes 5 different choice board activities.

Looking for more easy enrichment ideas
for the month of May?

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