5 Honest Reflections of a First Year Teacher

I can’t believe how fast the first half of this school year has flown by! As I prepare to return to my fourth-grade classroom in 2019, I’ve been mulling over several realizations I have had during these first five months in my first year of teaching.

  • Teaching is emotional, physical and mental… prepare yourself fully! I had spent 2.5 years in education as a paraprofessional before gaining my certification (and own classroom), but nothing in my prior experience or teacher prep program prepared me for the daily rollercoaster of teaching little minds. You need an outlet to handle the stress and changing emotions. For me, it is working out (I love Piit workouts) and vegging out.
  • You will fail. This seems harsh, even depressing, but it’s a reality in any new field. Know it. Embrace it. Learn from it. Move on from it!
  • You need a support system. I am so lucky to have an amazing fourth-grade team of veteran teachers, a designated mentor teacher, and a handful of other supportive educators, family members and friends. If you don’t have any of those, seek them out! You need someone in your corner when you feel discouraged, exhausted, or excited.
  • Know you. Nothing in your classroom will be effective if you’re trying to be someone else. Know your planning style, your grading style, and (most importantly) your ability to stick to whatever classroom management system you’ve created!
  • Know your students. This goes beyond their parent’s first names and favorite books. Know what they are capable of, even if they don’t. Know what gets them excited by trying new strategies. Know what motivates them by providing multiple ways to be successful.

For more reflections on my first-year teaching, follow me on Instagram @colliers.collections.

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