The creative process involves many different parts of the brain. Since many parts are firing at once, people with gifted brains can easily find a spark of imagination but might struggle with seeing their vision through. In addition, gifted brains often have other neurological differences like ADHD or anxiety which can inhibit full creativity ability. The good news is there are easy ways to boost your imagination!
Why Imagination Matters
There are lots of ways to stimulate your imagination and you don’t have to be an artist, writer, musician, or inventor to benefit from an imagination boost. Creativity and imagination are essential because they foster new ideas, alternatives, and possibilities that can be used in academics, problem solving, critical thinking, and real life situations.
In podcast episode 12 I make the bold statement that creativity should be explicitly taught because it’s just as important as math and reading.
Click here to hear the full podcast episode where I break down how to teach creativity to your students.
I grew up surrounded by creative opportunities. I didn’t realize it then, but giving me space, freedom and support to express myself creatively is one of the best things my parents did for me. Now, as an adult, I see that learning to embrace your creative side is not something everyone has been taught. So, here are seven ways you can easily book your imagination and embrace your God given creativity today.
7 Ways to Boost Your Imagination
1. Play games.
Board games, sports, or video games are an excellent way to exercise your brain and improve your problem solving skills. They also help you develop your hand eye coordination and spatial awareness.
Two of my favorite things to play are Story Coins and LEGO.
Story Coins is a game I created to help boost your imagination and creativity in storytelling. Learn more about Story Coins and all the ways to use them here! While LEGO might not be considered a “game”, they’re in this category because they are a fun group activity. In my classroom, I loved giving students free time with LEGO and they often amazed me with their creativity and collaboration.
2. Read books.
Reading books is a great way to boost your imagination. You can read fiction or nonfiction, and you can choose from a variety of genres, such as science fiction, fantasy, mystery, romance, and more.
3. Take a walk.
Walking outside is another great (and scientifically proven) way to relax and unwind after a stressful day at work. Try strolling around the block or neighborhood with a friend or family member. I love to put on an inspiring podcast and set my timer for 30 minutes to casually walk.

4. Listen to music.
Music has been used throughout history to inspire people. From ancient times to modern, music has been used to motivate people to dance, sing, play instruments, and more. In our home, we’re often dancing to a wide range of genres from contemporary Christian to Irish folk to classics from the 80s and 90s. Pick whatever speaks to you to get up and dancing.
5. Doodle.
Drawing is a creative outlet that allows you to express yourself through art. You can draw anything you want, whether it’s a picture of a favorite animal, a landscape, or a scene from your life. But, if like me you don’t feel like the best artist, try a doodle session. Two of my favorites are the “squiggle” challenge and the “not a circle” challenge. In both of these, your mission is to turn a squiggle or a circle into something new.

6. Take photos.
Photography is another form of artistic expression. You can take photographs of anything you want, whether it’s a beautiful sunset, a funny moment, or a special memory. The best part is if you have a cell phone, you probably have an excellent camera in your pocket. Play around with your settings, try different angles, and experiment with light.
7. Free write.
Writing down your thoughts can help you organize them and process them. Free writing, or stream of consciousness writing, is especially great when you need to boost your imagination. Simply set a timer for 3-5 minutes and write down whatever comes to your mind. You might find yourself thinking about something you didn’t expect.
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