Tag: classroom tips

How to Get the Most Out of Your Anchor Charts

I conducted a poll on Instagram to gain a little insight into how other teachers are creating and using anchor charts in their classrooms. Creating anchor charts gave me anxiety for the longest time! I knew they were important, I just couldn’t figure out a way to keep them useful for students, easy for me to create and, well, cute. This is how I solved the anchor chart problem!

turned on silver imac with might mouse and keyboard

The Hidden Ways Context Switching Threatens Student Performance

You could argue positive results of context switching, especially if your brain naturally tends to jump steps in a process….. Hello gifted brains! But for the most part, multitasking has more negative results than positive because you’re not fully focused on the task at hand. This means one task never gets the full creation process… just parts of it. Like only getting part of your amazon order and having to wait days for the rest. 

7 Simple Ways To Boost Your Imagination

There are lots of ways to stimulate your imagination and you don’t have to be an artist, writer, musician, or inventor to benefit from an imagination boost. Creativity and imagination are essential because they foster new ideas, alternatives, and possibilities  that can be used in academics, problem solving, critical thinking, and real life situations. 


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