Category: Technology

turned on silver imac with might mouse and keyboard

The Hidden Ways Context Switching Threatens Student Performance

You could argue positive results of context switching, especially if your brain naturally tends to jump steps in a process….. Hello gifted brains! But for the most part, multitasking has more negative results than positive because you’re not fully focused on the task at hand. This means one task never gets the full creation process… just parts of it. Like only getting part of your amazon order and having to wait days for the rest. 

Creativity in the Classroom is Important for Gifted Students

As teachers, we often hear about the importance of creativity in education. But what does creativity really mean, and why is it so crucial for the classroom? In this post, we’ll explore the concept of creativity and why it matters in education, particularly for gifted students. We’ll also provide some ideas and strategies for using creativity to support and engage gifted brains.

new podcast episode

Why the Definition of Enrichment is So Important

In podcast episode 1, we are talking about what the definition of enrichment and why it’s so important for our students. In terms of education, enrichment is all about how we can take students who are curious and creative and give them an outlet for their drive. We present them with new problems to solve, ideas to marinate on, feelings to unpack, opinions to pose, and more.


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